Sunday, August 23, 2009


I returned to the International Learning Center, the same place I had my 8 week training before I left for the Czech Republic, last week for the J-Men debriefing conference. The conference is set up for IMB short term missionaries who have returned from the field to help with reentry into American culture. The sessions were a flash back to our 8 week training; long and cold. Coming from hot Texas I forgot to pack a jacket or sweater to wear during these cold sessions. Luckily I have good friends who took pity on me and shared.

The Journeyman!! There were 4 training groups present for debriefing. Most of the J-men were from my FPO group.

The best part of the debriefing conference, and the reason I really went, was to reconnect with friends who were serving in other parts of the world.

Hanging out with sweet friends = good times!!

My FPO training group J-men. We are such a fun group of people.

My fellow Europe M's!

My Prague colleagues. The cutest J-Girls in Prague!!!!

I had a great time getting to reconnect with friends and hear their stories. It was very encouraging being around friends who understood my experience. I can't say the sessions were very enlightening, but getting to spend time with friends playing games and chatting was fantastic.

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