I have successfully completed my first semester of seminary. I took 10 hours of classes the minimum allowed for a full-time student. It was plenty!! I think one more class would have been too much. And not only did I just finish the semester, but I finished well. Not just passing grades, but good grades. I'm pleased. I think I'm a better student having taught for three years before returning to school. Next semester I'm registered for 13 hours hopefully that isn't too much. I picked my classes strategically trying to balance easy classes with harder ones.
When I took a break from my studies and work, I spent the time off catching up with friends that I hadn't seen in way too long. I have been blessed with great friends that will drive hours to come visit me for a day or a weekend, and some have come to see me twice! I love you guys - you know who you are!!
My first Thanksgiving home in two years was amazing. My mom and I flew up to Indianapolis to spend the holiday with my sister Lesli and brother-in-law Mark and the cutest kids in the world. I'm not lying they are the cutest see for yourself in the pictures below.
See how excited Zoey is that I came to visit her!
Cutie pie Owen making a silly smile.

Owen didn't want me to take his picture so I tried to convince him to pose with his bear Yomi. He still didn't really want to smile for the picture.
Besides spending Thanksgiving with family another wonderful part was that I didn't have to make mashed potatoes for 70+ people. The two previous Thanksgivings in Prague, I was given the assignment of bringing mashed potatoes to our missionary family's Thanksgiving dinner. I don't really like mashed potatoes and always had ton leftover to take home. This year my sister Lesli cooked the whole meal and it was awesome. I ate a bite or two of the mashed potatoes and was thankful that she made them this year.
I'm another year older! Not sure how I feel about that yet. I turned 27 on December 4th! Crazy how that age seems mature and grown-up, but I feel like I am just now learning what it is I want to be when I'm a grown-up. My mom took me shopping for my birthday and I was thankful I didn't have to buy boring work clothes, because right now I don't have a grown-up job. That is a plus.
Well, those are the highlights of the past few months. I'll try to be better next semester keeping my blog updated, but I can't make any promises. I don't see my work load going down any, but I'll try.
Hope you all have a Merry Christmas!!